Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Richest Tarpon Fishing Tournment in the World Returns to SW FL

The world's richest tarpon tournment returns after a seven year break in the action to SW FL.  According to The New-Press article May 16, 2012 titled, "Return of The Tarpon"  there are 33 team currenty signed up.  The tournment is help in the waters just off Boca Grande, Gasprilla Island and Caya Costa Island, FL.  This will be a two day tournament with emphasis on conservation of the tarpon fishery.  Catches with be measured and released. 
The Beach Caya Costa State Park
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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Huge Tarpon & Little Bikinis...Lady's Day Fishing Tournament In Boca Gra...

The Silver King - Great video of the History of Tarpon Fishing in SW FL

Since the Richest Tarpon Tournment in the world has returned to SW FL I find it appropriate to repost this great video of the history of Tarpon Fishing. You will see why the tarpon is a great fish to catch with many spectular jumps and twist high to the air. The tournment is help just off shore of Boca Grande, Gasprilla and Caya Costa Island, Florida This year's purse is up to $80,000 providing they get 50 teams to enter at $2000 each. It is a two day tournment.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What to do if you go aground while boating in SW FL

"If you have not gone aground, you have not been boating in SW FL" A quote I have heard more than once from boating friends. It is very important to stay in the channels as marked. News Press Article on "What to do if you go aground"